March 26, 2014
Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes March 26, 2014
The regular meeting of the Village of Divernon Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, March 26, 2014, at the Divernon Village Hall. Village President Randy Rhodes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance, Trustee Pam Cronister called roll: Randy Rhodes “Here”, Melissa Layton “Here”, Pam Cronister “Here”, Jim Copelin “Here”, Larry Baer “Here”, Derek Hedges “Here”, Dianne Brenning “Here”. Also in attendance were Police Chief Barclay Harris and Superintendent Larry Rhodes. Rod Molnar was absent.
A motion was made by Baer to approve the minutes of March 12, 2014. Layton seconded and the motion passed 6-0.
Brenning presented the Village bills with a motion that they be approved after adding one additional bill for postage. After Hedges seconded the motion, it was approved 6-0.
Donald Becker presented articles and pictures depicting the Baker Manufacturing scraper used by Hayward McMurray to build roads in Hi Acres and other projects within the village. The owner of the equipment has offered to donate it to the Village, but it will need to be moved by next month. The Board agreed that it is a valuable piece of history and suggested it be placed near the depot. Becker advised that it could be housed on his property while the permanent location is being prepared.
Mark Pruitt addressed the Board regarding the Sangamon County Electricity Aggregation Consortium Briefing held March 19, 2014. He discussed the rates from last year and options for the upcoming renewal. The Board agreed to follow the recommendation from the Executive Committee to seek pricing into early April and determine at that time whether to enter into a contract for a June 2014 start.
Superintendent Report:
Superintendent Rhodes reported that the department employees have been busy fixing and cleaning up damage caused during the winter. He also reported that the extension to the fence at McMurray Field had been completed. Rhodes attended the GUA Annual Seminar held in Springfield on March 26, 2014.
Police Report:
Chief Harris advised he has received several applications for the part-time police officer. He reported that he is reviewing the department’s supplies and equipment and advised that the dog pen is in poor condition. The Board agreed that it should be replaced and instructed Harris to get an estimate. Harris and Rhodes presented the ILEAS Resolution for the Board’s review; it is an interagency agreement which will be required for the Village to receive reimbursement for emergency work.
Committee Reports:
Streets, Alleys, and Utilities:
Layton made a motion to adopt the Swimming Pool and Trampoline Ordinance #2014-003. Copelin seconded and the motion passed 6-0.
Minutes March 26, 2014
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
Health and Safety:
Copelin advised that clean-up letters will be sent out to several residents. He also gave an update regarding the village computers.
Community Development:
Layton advised that the Village Newsletter should be mailed out late this week. It will include information regarding the village-wide garage sale, recycling program and clean-up. Layton reported on her conversation with Alan Alexander from the Sangamon County Department of Health regarding the two abandoned properties on State Street.
Building Grounds and Lights:
Hedges reported on the demonstration provided by Summitt. Village Treasurer Christine Nichols has contacted current users and received positive reviews. Hedges made a motion to purchase the program at a cost of $11,850.00 plus training and travel costs. Baer seconded the motion and roll was 6-0.
Old Business:
New Business:
Layton made a motion for a $50.00 donation to the Girl Scout Easter Egg Hunt which will be held on April 12, 2014 at the Village Square. After Brenning seconded the motion carried 6-0.
Motion by Layton to adjourn at 7:41 p.m.
Randy Rhodes Rodney Molnar
Village President Village Clerk
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