August 14, 2013
Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes August 14, 2013
The regular meeting of the Village of Divernon Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, August 14, 2013, at the Divernon Village Hall. Village President Randy Rhodes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance, Clerk Rod Molnar called roll: Randy Rhodes “Here”, Pam Cronister “Here”, Larry Baer “Here”, Derek Hedges “Here”, Dianne Brenning “Here”. Also in attendance were Police Chief Barclay Harris, Interim Treasurer Christine Nichols and Superintendent Larry Rhodes. Melissa Layton and Jim Copelin were absent.
A motion was made by Cronister to approve the minutes of July 24, 2013. Hedges seconded and the motion passed 4-0. Baer voting present.
A motion was made by Hedges and seconded by Cronister to approve the corrected executive session minutes of July 24, 2013. The motion was approved 4-0. Baer voting present.
Brenning presented the Village bills with a motion that they be approved. After Baer seconded the motion, it was approved 4-0.
Tom Masters was in attendance. He had received a letter from the Village instructing him not to park his vehicles across the sidewalk. He told the Board that there was not enough room between his garage and the sidewalk for his car to fit and it hadn’t been a problem in the past. Mayor Rhodes explained that in addition to the State Statute that prohibits parking or blocking sidewalks, the Village had been under an order from the Attorney General’s office to make walks handicapped accessible and that they should not be obstructed.
Stephanie Kaylor was present to work out a payment plan for her overdue utility bill.
Interim Treasurer Christine Nichols made a report to the Board of her findings since taking over the position. She will continue to work two days a week until the annual audit is complete. She will be in attendance when the outside auditing firm does their work to answer questions.
Superintendent Report:
Superintendent Rhodes reported that the water tower will have its one year check since work was completed. The contractor will be here sometime in September. His crew has been replacing some storm sewer tiles, and has also been disconnecting utility services at abandoned properties. He also reported that the annual work on the Village streets had been completed.
Police Report:
Chief Harris reported on a number of items. Part time officer Trevor Daily has submitted his resignation. There continues to be a problem with thefts from vehicles that have been left unlocked. The new bicycle patrol is going well. The department has received funds from the police vest grant. A number of citations for unkept properties have been resolved.
Committee Reports:
Streets, Alleys, and Utilities:
Cronister reported that before any action is taken on the water rates, Treasurer Nichols wants to go over the figures in the water fund. An increase from the Otter Lake Water Commission will go into effect in November of this year. Bids for the annual sidewalk program will be in the next
Minutes August 14, 2013
edition of the Divernon News. She will get the Board a draft of an ordinance regarding fences around swimming pools.
Brenning and Nichols have discussed the future of the Village Treasurer position. There is the possibility that some of the treasurer duties can be moved to those of the office manager. The Board will assess the position after the annual audit is complete.
Nothing to report.
Health and Safety:
Nothing to report.
Community Development:
Nothing to report.
Building Grounds and Lights:
Hedges gave the Board an update on the request of the sign for Lexie Izzard for winning the Jr. Olympic National Trampoline Championship. He will also be contacting Banyon Inc. concerning some service issues.
Old Business:
The Board received a thank you note for the donation to the annual summer reading program from the Township Library. Molnar gave the Board information from Sterling Inc. on updates to the codified ordinances.
New Business:
A motion was made by Cronister and seconded by Brenning to place ads in the Divernon News’ football and basketball inserts at $39.00 each. The motion passed 4-0.
Motion by Cronister to adjourn at 8:37 p.m.
Randy Rhodes Rodney Molnar
Village President Village Clerk
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