Public Works Department

The Village of Divernon is among municipalities that own and operate their own utilities. The village has a public works staff of 3 employees that operate and maintain its own gas, water, wastewater, streets, alleys, parks and equipment.

Gas Department
The village buys its gas wholesale and then distributes it thru its own distribution system. The village area covers not only Divernon but also Glenarm and north and west of Glenarm. The gas department is regulated by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC).

Water Department
Divernon owns and operates its own distribution system with a 250,000 gallon storage tank. The village purchases its water from Otter Lake Water Commission. The water is regulated by the USEPA and the IEPA.

Wastewater Department
Once used, the water is collected in a sanitary sewer system then pumped out to the wastewater treatment plant located north of the village. Here, the wastewater is treated by a lagoon system process to remove the impurities before discharging into brush creek. The wastewater is also regulated by the USEPA and IEPA.

The village is a member of J.U.L.I.E., (joint utility locating information for excavator’s service). Before any excavation is to be done, no matter how small or large, you are required to call JULIE at 811 or 1-800-892-0123, so underground utilities can be located and marked.

Streets & Parks
The village has an extensive network of streets and alleys, parks, and property which requires constant maintenance, mowing, snow removal, patching holes, debris clean-up, etc.

Utility Tap Fees Inside Village

Water and Sewer Only

Gas and Sewer Only

Water, Sewer and Gas

When gas is not primary heating fuel

When gas is the primary fuel for heating

After inspection by superintendent and proof of furnace, a rebate of $500.00 will be issued.

Installation of gas is free for the first 100 feet. Each additional foot is $2.00

Utility Taps Fees Outside Corporate Limits

Water Only 

Water and Sewer

Gas Only 

Installation of gas is free for the first 100 feet. Each additional foot is $2.00

Contact Details

Business hours are:
Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m. – Noon
1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m

For a gas emergency call
628-3416 or 911.

How to Maintain and Restore Water Quality in Buildings with Low or No Use