December 14, 2016
Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes December 14, 2016 Page 3546
The regular meeting of the Village of Divernon Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at the Divernon Village Hall. Village President Randy Rhodes called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance, Clerk Rod Molnar called roll: Randy Rhodes “Here”, Wayne Jones “Here”, Melissa Layton “Here”, Jim Copelin “Here”, Larry Baer “Here”, Derek Hedges “Here”, Dianne Brenning “Here”. Also in attendance were Treasurer Christine Nichols, Superintendent Jeremy Rhodes and Police Chief Barclay Harris.
A motion was made by Copelin and seconded by Hedges to approve the minutes of November 9, 2016. The motion passed 5-0. Layton voting present.
Brenning presented the Village bills with a motion that they be approved after adding an item for the Sangamon County Recorder for $29.00. After Baer seconded, the motion carried 6-0.
Dale Shoemaker and Angela Garlo were in attendance in regards to their water and gas bill. They are anticipating problems paying the December bill. Mayor Rhodes pointed out that the bill wasn’t due yet. He suggested that the return at the first meeting in January if their account falls into arrears.
Supervisors Reports:
Public Works:
Superintendent Rhodes reported that his line locator had gone bad and he needed to purchase a new one right away. Ditch Witch was letting him use one until a new one could be ordered. A motion was made by Copelin and seconded by Jones to purchase a locator along with a battery pack from Ditch Witch at a total cost of $3920.00. The motion carried 6-0.
J. Rhodes made the proposal to save the Village for costs related to locates required by Julie. He suggested removing the fax line at the shop and updating the cell phones to receive emails. The fax line is $58.71 per month, while the phone upgrades will only be $30.98 per month. In addition Julie charges $2.02 for each fax, while emails are charged at a rate of only $1.21 each. Rhodes said he averages around 200 locates each year. The savings could be significant for the Village. Layton made the motion to accept the proposal. Jones seconded and the motion was approved 6-0. Ryan Woker has obtained his CDL license. Layton wanted to thank Rhodes and his crew for the decorations in the park and for all of their work associated with the Christmas in the Park. The Village Board would like to thank Mike Bolash for his assistance in hanging Christmas decorations.
Chief Harris reported that all of his officers have been recertified in tazer use. Harris recently attended a class for criminal law updates. Officer Hayes will be accepting Toys for Tots at the Village Hall on Saturday, December 17, 2016 from 10:00 to 2:00 p.m. Layton would like to thank Hayes for the good job he has been doing in regards to working with her youth group.
Minutes December 14, 2016 Page 3547
Committee Reports:
Economic Development, Zoning, TIF, Building Permits:
Mayor Rhodes brought the Board up to date on a number of items. The restaurant at Route 104 will be opening soon. Work has begun on the reconstruction of Maddy’s Tavern. Movement has been slow on getting the gas station of Brown Street out of foreclosure and on the market, but it appears that it may be taken care of after the first of the year. Work to have some old trailers removed is in the hands of the Sangamon County States Attorney’s office. In addition, the Village is due a refund from the county in regards to this issue.
Public Utilities, Water, Sewer and Gas:
R. Rhodes said there had been questions raised from some citizens that they weren’t notified ahead of time concerning the latest water rate increase. Board minutes must be approved before they are released to the paper and posted in the Village Hall which causes a delay in this information getting out. In the future, he wants to make sure that information regarding rate increases are put on the bills ahead of time and posted to the Village website.
Finance, Personnel, Technology, GIS:
Brenning said that three residents would be receiving bills for sidewalk work done last summer. She asked whether they should be billed at the old or new rate. R. Rhodes said these requests were received before the cost per foot was increased so they should be billed at the old rate. Baer reported that he and Treasurer Nichols spoke about the need to set up a reserve account to take care of emergencies such as the need for a backhoe. As the new meters are paid off, it will take the strain off of the Village’s debt limit.
Public Safety, Police, Health and Safety:
Nothing to report.
Public Works, Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks:
Nothing to report.
Building Grounds and Lights, Parks, Recreation:
Layton reported that despite the cold temperatures that the Christmas in the Park was a success and they have begun making plans for next year. The winners of the annual Christmas lights contest were Shelby Rhodes for most traditional, Ian and Ashley Crain for best light show display, and Mary Bondurant for best theme.
Old Business:
Minutes December 14, 2016 Page 3548
New Business:
A motion was made by Jones and seconded by Layton to approve ordinance 2016-009. The ordinance is mandated by the State of Illinois in regards to travel expenses. The Board determined the maximum allowable reimbursement should not exceed $150.00 per day. The motion carried 6-0. Eight new municipal handbooks will be purchased for the Board members.
A motion was made by Hedges and seconded by Layton to go into executive session at 7:57 p.m. to discuss employee benefits.
The Board returned to regular session at 8:07 p.m.
A motion was made by Layton to give gift cards to employees as a Christmas bonus. Full time employees will receive $100.00 cards and part time $50.00 cards. Hedges seconded and the motion was approved 6-0.
Motion by Hedges to adjourn at 8:09 p.m.
Randy Rhodes Rodney Molnar
Village President Village Clerk
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