January 13, 2016
Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes January 13, 2016 Page 3496
The regular meeting of the Village of Divernon Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at the Divernon Village Hall. Mayor Randy Rhodes called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance, Clerk Rod Molnar called roll: Randy Rhodes “Here”, Larry Baer “Here”, Derek Hedges “Here”, Dianne Brenning “Here”. Also in attendance were Police Chief Barclay Harris and Superintendent Jeremy Rhodes. Jim Copelin arrived at 6:40 p.m. Melissa Layton and Jamie Morgan were absent.
A motion was made by Hedges and seconded by Brenning to approve the minutes of December 30, 2015. The motion was approved 4-0 with the Mayor voting. Baer voting present.
Brenning presented the bills with a motion that they be approved after adding an item to Hydro Kinetics for $1190.00. After Baer seconded the motion it was approved 4-0.
Greg Bishop and Megan Harmon of 100 East Dodds Street and Patrick Kelly of 515 State Street were in attendance to discuss the flooding of the streets near their homes. Bishop’s home had water in the basement up to the floor joists. Kelly also had problems. Mayor Rhodes explained that both areas have been problem areas in the past. A clogged tile under the railroad tracks contributed to the problem. Both the Village and the Fire Department pumped water all day to try to resolve the problem. Leaves, grass and other trash thrown into the railroad ditch caused the water to back up. The Village will work on this problem and encourage those living along the railroad ditch to keep it clean. Copelin will contact the Sangamon County Hazard Mitigation Committee to see it they can help in any way.
Supervisors Reports:
Public Works:
Superintendent Rhodes reported that two water breaks have been repaired on First Street. He said that stretch of water main is in bad shape and is in need of replacement. 80% of the new gas meters have been installed. Water sales increased by 20% in December.
Chief Harris reported that part time officer Paul Morgan would be unavailable temporarily.
Committee Reports:
Economic Development, Zoning, TIF, Building Permits:
R. Rhodes reported that the liens on the closed service station are scheduled to be paid off on Thursday January 14, 2016.
Public Utilities, Water, Sewer and Gas:
Nothing to report.
Finance, Personnel, Technology, GIS:
Brenning reported the two new public works employees had inadvertently been given clothing allowances. They shouldn’t have received them until they had been employed for a full year. The Board decided that the employees would keep the allowance. Brenning asked the Board to look over the Personnel Code to determine whether or not the wording for the clothing allowance should be amended. Treasurer Christine Nichols supplied the Board with a three year
comparison of revenues and expenditures. Brenning said if there were questions they should make arrangements to see Nichols when she is in the office. R. Rhodes reported that the Village will receive a credit refund on their next bill from Rural Electric as part of their capital credits refund program. The credit amount will be $290.24.
Public Safety, Police, Health and Safety:
R. Rhodes asked that the Board come up with a policy for bands playing outside at beer gardens. In the past this had been handled on an individual basis. The owner of Maddy’s Tavern had asked about how late they could play as he is booking bands for the summer.
Public Works, Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks:
Hedges asked Rhodes to contact Ameren about the lights out on the I55 overhead.
Building Grounds and Lights, Parks, Recreation:
A motion was made by Copelin and seconded by Brenning to accept the bid from Designer Landscapes for $2064.80 for maintenance in the park. The motion carried 4-0.
Old Business:
Copelin made the motion to approve liquor and gaming licenses for I55 Toni’s Cafe’. Hedges seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. Two bids were rejected for the 2007 Ford F150 utility vehicle, one for $1755.00 and the other for $1000.00.
New Business:
A motion was made by Brenning and seconded by Copelin to donate $50.00 to the Auburn After Prom Committee. The motion was approved 4-0.
Motion by Brenning to adjourn at 7:43 p.m.
Randy Rhodes Rodney Molnar
Village President Village Clerk
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