June 11, 2014
Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes June 11, 2014
The regular meeting of the Village of Divernon Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, June 11, 2014, at the Divernon Village Hall. Village President Randy Rhodes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance, Clerk Rod Molnar called roll: Randy Rhodes “Here”, Pam Cronister “Here”, Jim Copelin “Here”, Larry Baer “Here”, Dianne Brenning “Here”. Melissa Layton arrived at 6:02 p.m. Also in attendance were Police Chief Barclay Harris and Superintendent Larry Rhodes. Derek Hedges was absent.
A motion was made by Cronister to approve the minutes of May 28, 2014. Copelin seconded and the motion passed 4-0.
A motion was made by Baer to approve the executive session minutes of May 28, 2014. Cronister seconded and the motion passed 4-0.
Brenning presented the Village bills with a motion that they be approved. After Baer seconded the motion, it was approved 5-0.
Dave Sisk was in attendance to provide the Board with copies of insurance for the carnival and for dram shop for the Divernon Homecoming. He also requested a three day liquor license for the homecoming. A motion was made by Brenning and seconded by Baer to approve a liquor license for the Divernon Homecoming Association and to waive the fee. The motion was approved 5-0.
Superintendent Report:
Superintendent Rhodes thanked the Board for the recent pay raises for his department. He reported that Ron Killam attended the annual Gas Utilities Alliance meeting on June 10, 2014. The cost of insurance on the gas system will increase next year from $3.00 to $3.25 per meter. The GUA supplied Killam with a sample ordinance they would like the member municipalities to pass regarding gas supply and distribution. L. Rhodes also reported on problems around the Village garage. Kids have been throwing rocks at the water tower and have caused some damage to the paint which is in turn causing some rust. Molnar will contact Benton and Associates to get a damage estimate to turn over to the Illinois Risk Management Association. Several rings that support manhole covers have been stolen. Rhodes estimated that they weigh 250-300 pounds and that it took more than one person to have taken them. The police will step up patrol of the area. The deck was recently rebuilt on the Kubota mower. Rhodes went on to say that the small dump truck would need to be replaced soon. Mayor Rhodes asked the superintendent to put together a five year plan for replacement of equipment.
Police Report:
Chief Harris has two estimates on replacement of computers for the squad cars. A motion was made by Cronister and seconded by Copelin to purchase one new computer from CDS systems at a total cost of $5452.00. The motion was approved 5-0. A second computer will be purchased at a later date. Harris also gave bids for a new squad car. The two options were for a Chevrolet Impala or a Ford Explorer. A motion was made by Copelin to accept the state bid of $25,820.00 for a Ford Explorer from Morrow Bros. Motors in Greenfield Illinois. After Layton seconded the motion it was approved 5-0.
Minutes June 11, 2014
Committee Reports:
Streets, Alleys, and Utilities:
Cronister reported that the ordinance requested by the Gas Utilities Alliance will be ready to be voted on at the next meeting. Mike McEvers of Benton and Associates has advised the Village that the bid opening for work on the Village streets will take place July 1, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. at the Village Hall. Cronister will meet with Township Supervisor Ray McCrady about sidewalk replacement around the senior citizens center. Larry Baer said he had been approached about changing the policy regarding pool fills. Currently anyone is allowed a single pool fill during which the sewer charges will be waived. Baer feels that one pool fill should be allowed every ten years. Normally a pool liner will last about ten years. The item was tabled for lack of support.
Nothing to report.
Baer reported that a representative from Forsyth Insurance will be at the next meeting regarding employee health insurance.
Health and Safety:
Copelin reported that a certified letter had been sent to A I Gas Sales regarding the grass and weeds around their property. Mayor Rhodes said after the certification had been received, and the required number of days required by law had passed, that the Village could mow the property and bill the owner.
Community Development:
Layton reported on a number of items. She said that the Village Attorney has said the Village has done everything they need to do at this point regarding the demolition of the abandoned houses on State Street. He needs to look into what will need to be done as far as the Village taking ownership of the properties after the demolition. In addition, the property at 333 S. State was recently sold for unpaid taxes. This may cause yet another delay in the demolition. Layton has contacted Phillips 66 and they claim that they were not aware that A I Gas sales had closed the station. Hedges has reviewed the residential building codes and made some notes. Layton will get together with him regarding the codes. The Village Newsletter is scheduled to be mailed on June 23, 2014. The Presbyterian Church will begin a snack hour in the afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-4:00 p.m. to give kids a chance to purchase ice cream, candy and drinks.
Building Grounds and Lights:
Mayor Rhodes computer needs to be replaced. Hedges is getting estimates.
Old Business:
Minutes June 11, 2014
New Business:
A motion was made by Baer and seconded by Layton to pass the Prevailing Wage Ordinance as required by state statute. The motion was passed 5-0.
A motion was made by Layton to go into executive session to discuss personnel issues at 7:43 p.m.
The Board returned to regular session at 7: 57p.m.
A motion was made by Baer and seconded by Brenning to employ Wes Copelin as part time summer help at a rate of $10.00 per hour. He is to begin work on June 16, 2014. The motion was approve 4-0. Copelin voting present.
Motion by Layton to adjourn at 7:56 p.m.
Randy Rhodes Rodney Molnar
Village President. Village Clerk
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