March 12, 2014
Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes March 12, 2014
The regular meeting of the Village of Divernon Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, at the Divernon Village Hall. Village President Randy Rhodes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance, Clerk Rod Molnar called roll: Randy Rhodes “Here”, Melissa Layton “Here”, Pam Cronister “Here”, Larry Baer “Here”, Derek Hedges “Here”, Dianne Brenning “Here”. Also in attendance were Police Chief Barclay Harris and Superintendent Larry Rhodes. Jim Copelin arrived at 6:04 p.m.
A motion was made by Layton to approve the minutes of February 26, 2014. Hedges seconded and the motion passed 4-0. Brenning voting present.
Brenning presented the Village bills with a motion that they be approved. After Baer seconded the motion, it was approved 6-0.
Brad Thompson of Cutting Edge Lawn Service was present to discuss adding composting to his business. The property lies north of the truck stop at Route 104 near the railroad tracks. The EPA will not issue him a permit for the business until he first receives approval from the Village. The Mayor asked him to put his request in writing and to include all information such as the parcel number of the property and specific location. The property will have to comply with zoning issues or he will have to apply for a variance.
Superintendent Report:
Superintendent Rhodes has a number of items he wants to work on as soon as weather permits. The cold winter has been hard on the streets due to water breaks. He reported that due to the high number of water breaks the amount of water loss was up dramatically, but overall he felt that the loss has been going down due to finding breaks that may have not been found for some time. Bob Caldwell will begin working part time collecting yard waste. Larry Belford is not returning to work this summer. L. Rhodes reported that for the most part his equipment is in pretty good shape. Mayor Rhodes asked where he had been taking his trucks for maintenance. Rhodes has been taking them to Main Street Auto in Virden because of the quick service he receives. He cannot afford to be without the vehicles for a long period of time.
Police Report:
Chief Harris advised that part time officer Josh Sheppard started a full time job with the Auburn Police Department and no longer would be available. He is advertising for a new officer. Harris has picked up the new police bicycle. The bike was paid for with donations from local businesses. He as well as two of his officers are bicycle certified. An issue with parking too close to the corner at the intersection of State and Dodds was discussed. The Chief will make his officers aware of the situation and begin issuing citations.
Committee Reports:
Streets, Alleys, and Utilities:
Cronister passed out a draft of an ordinance concerning swimming pools and trampolines. It will be voted on at the next meeting.
Minutes March 12, 2014
Copelin brought two bids for new computers for the clerk and treasurer and a new monitor for the office manager. Brenning made the motion to accept the bid from Illini Tech for $2239.95. Copelin seconded and the motion passed 6-0. A motion was made by Brenning and seconded by Hedges to accept the bid from Patton and Co. for the annual audit, not to exceed $7500.00. The motion passed 6-0. A motion was made by Brenning and seconded by Baer to pass the annual Appropriation Ordinance. The motion was approved 6-0.
Nothing to Report.
Health and Safety:
Copelin has begun looking at properties that need to be cleaned up this spring and will have a list of property owners to receive letters by the next meeting.
Community Development:
Layton is finalizing the quarterly newsletter. It should be printed by next Monday. The annual Village wide garage sale will be May 3, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Also on that day Midwest Tech will accept certain types of electronics to be recycled from 8:00 a.m. to noon at the Village Hall. A list of acceptable items to be accepted will be published. The annual cleanup day will be May 10, 2014 from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Building Grounds and Lights:
Hedges gave an update on the search for a new accounting system. A webinar has been scheduled with Summit Inc. for next week.
Old Business:
New Business:
Motion by Layton to adjourn at 7:09 p.m.
Randy Rhodes Rodney Molnar
Village President Village Clerk
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