May 13, 2015
Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes May 13, 2015 Page 3452
The regular meeting of the Village of Divernon Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at the Divernon Village Hall. Mayor Randy Rhodes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance, Clerk Rod Molnar called roll: Randy Rhodes “Here”, Pam Cronister “Here”, Larry Baer “Here”, Derek Hedges “Here”, Dianne Brenning “Here”. Also in attendance were Police Chief Barclay Harris, Jeremy Rhodes and Superintendent Larry Rhodes. Jim Copelin arrived at 6:33 p.m. Melissa Layton was absent.
A motion was made by Hedges to approve the minutes of April 13, 2015. Baer seconded and the motion passed 4-0.
A motion was made by Brenning to approve the executive session minutes of April 13, 2015. Hedges seconded and the motion passed 4-0.
Brenning presented the Village bills with a motion that they be approved, after the motion was seconded by Baer, it passed 4-0.
Mayor Rhodes presented outgoing board member Pam Cronister with a plaque in appreciation for her service to the Village of Divernon.
Clerk Molnar swore in recently re-elected board members Derek Hedges and Dianne Brenning.
Reggie Benton and Ben Spreen of Benton and Associates were in attendance to present the annual streets program. Benton advised that this year’s program would be slightly smaller than the program from last year. A motion was made by Hedges to approve the streets program and pass a resolution for the maintenance of streets totaling $63,000.00. Baer seconded and the motion passed 4-0. Hedges made the motion to approve the engineering agreement with Benton and Associates. Brenning seconded and the motion was approved 4-0. Hedges asked Benton if that at some point, instead of sealing and chipping, if streets would need to be scraped down and start over. Benton replied that it would be a good idea at some point and that it could be done in phases. Mayor Rhodes pointed out and Benton agreed that before scraping the streets, that ditch work would need to be done to get the water off of the streets.
Supervisors Reports:
Public Works:
Larry Rhodes reported that there have been some complaints about the taste and smell of the water. Some of the Board had heard complaints also. Rhodes spoke with Bob Dill at Otter Lake, and they are aware of the problem and are working on it. All communities on the system are having problems. The Consumer Confidence Report concerning water has been completed by Benton and Associates and will be mailed to residents. Rhodes said the latest invoice received from Otter Lake was for two months instead of one and the Village would be receiving a credit.
Minutes May 13, 2015 Page 3453
Police Report:
Chief Harris reported that he and Copelin had got together to review which properties would be receiving clean up letters. Officer Josh Hayes has completed his training for full time officer.
Harris is working on the paperwork required to receive 1/2 of the cost of the training from the State of Illinois.
Committee Reports:
Streets, Alleys, and Utilities:
Nothing to report.
Brenning reported that the Village would be receiving approximately $75,000.00 in Motor Fuel Tax Funds this year. She talked with Treasurer Christine Nichols concerning new accounting and billing software. Nichols will be attending a webinar.
Nothing to report.
Health and Safety:
Copelin attended the final meeting of the Sangamon County Hazard Mitigation Committee. The hazard mitigation plan has been finalized and the Village can adopt the plan after it receives the approval of FEMA.
Community Development:
R. Rhodes reported that the Village attorney is working on the next step in acquiring the two properties on State Street where the Village had the houses demolished. One more attempt will be made to contact the owner of the abandoned gas stations on Brown Street. Legal action will be pending if the owners continue to ignore the attempts.
Building Grounds and Lights:
Hedges made the motion to approve Ordinance 2015-003. The ordinance is a rewrite of the Village’s Zoning Ordinance. Baer seconded and the motion passed 4-0.
Old Business:
Minutes May 13, 2015 Page 3454
New Business:
A motion was made by Brenning to approve Ordinance 2015-004. The ordinance will allow limited use of golf carts on Village streets. Baer seconded and the motion was approved 4-0.
David Catlin was in attendance to make a proposal to receive TIF funds from the Village in order to open a new sports bar. He plans to remodel and open the former Vi’s Tavern. The proposal was sent to the TIF attorney. Molnar has spoken with her and she has made several suggestions. The Board will continue to work with Catlin.
Copelin made the motion to go into executive session at 7:40 p.m. for personnel issues and to conduct interviews for the open public works position.
The Board returned to regular session at 9:08 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. to be reconvened at 6:30 a.m. on Friday May 15, 2015. The purpose was to get some financial information from Treasurer Nichols before proceeding.
Mayor Rhodes called the reconvened meeting to order at 6:30 a.m. on Friday May 15, 2015. Those in attendance were R. Rhodes, Copelin, Baer, Brenning, Hedges and Molnar.
A motion was made by Copelin and seconded by Brenning to offer public works positions to Chad McCready and Jason Horn at a rate of $15.00 per hour beginning June 1, 2015. The motion was approved 4-0.
Hedges made the motion to promote Jeremy Rhodes to the position of Public Works Supervisor at the rate of $25.00 per hour beginning August 1, 2015. Baer seconded and the motion was approved 4-0.
R. Rhodes will bring a candidate to the next meeting interested in the open position on the Board, as only two of three positions were filled at the recent election.
Motion by Brenning to adjourn at 6:40 a.m.
Randy Rhodes Rodney Molnar
Village President Village Clerk
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